enchant(); // initialize

window.onload = function(){

var game = new Core(320, 320);
game.preload('chara7.png', 'chara6.png', 'icon0.png'); // preload image
game.fps = 20;

game.onload = function(){

    // make new class for player
    var Player = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {
        initialize: function(){
            enchant.Sprite.call(this, 32, 32);
            this.image = game.assets['chara7.png'];
            this.frame = 10;                   // set image data
            game.rootScene.addChild(this);     // add to canvas

    // make new class for apple
    var Apple = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {
        initialize: function(){
            enchant.Sprite.call(this, 16, 16);
            this.image = game.assets['icon0.png']; // set image
            this.moveTo(16, player.y + 8);       // move to the position
            this.tl.moveBy(320, 0, 30);        // set movement
            this.frame = 15;                   // set image data
            game.rootScene.addChild(this);     // add to canvas

    // make new class for enemy
    var Enemy = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {
        initialize: function(){
            enchant.Sprite.call(this, 32, 32);
            this.image = game.assets['chara6.png']; // set image
            this.moveTo(320, Math.floor(Math.random() * 320)); // set position
            this.scaleX = -1;
            this.tl.moveBy(-360, 0, 160);      // set movement
            this.frame = 9;                   // set image data
            game.rootScene.addChild(this);     // canvas

    var player = new Player();

    // generate enemy every 60 frames
    game.rootScene.tl.then(function() {
        var enemy = new Enemy();
    }).delay(30).loop();                    // wait 60 frames and loop it!

    // add event listener (called when click/touch started)
    game.rootScene.on('touchstart', function(evt){
        player.y = evt.localY;    // set position to touch-y position
        var apple = new Apple();

    // add event listener (called when click/touch moved)
    game.rootScene.on('touchmove', function(evt){
        player.y = evt.localY;    // set position to touch-y position

    var score = 0;

    game.rootScene.on('enterframe', function(){
        var hits = Apple.intersect(Enemy);
        for(var i = 0, len = hits.length; i < len; i++){
            score ++;

    player.tl.delay(game.fps * 10).then(function(){
        alert('game over! score: ' + score);

    game.start(); // start your game!